Results for 'Na Young Ahn'

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  1.  32
    Linkage role of ICT and Big Data in COVID-19: a case of Korea’s digital and social communication practices.Paul Hong, Na Young Ahn & Euisung Jung - 2023 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (2):161-180.
    This paper aims to discuss characteristics of Korea’s system responses with a research framework of the structure, conduct and performance theory and explain the role of information, communication technologies (ICT) and Big Data from a technology-mediated control (TMC) perspective.,This study examines the contextual nature of Korea’s diagnostic, preventive and treatment efforts. Particular attention is paid to issues related to the effective use of Big Data analytics and its applications, reporting mechanisms and public safety measures. The research model defines key factors (...)
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    Schema and symbol: a study in Kant's doctrine of schematism.Young Ahn Kang - 1985 - Amsterdam: Free University Press.
  3.  45
    De dood van de president.Young Ahn Kang - 2009 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 49 (3):44-45.
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    “First Korean Philosophers” on Philosophy.Young Ahn Kang - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (2):62-70.
    Philosophy as an academic discipline was introduced to Korea at the end of the 19th century. Philosophical education and professional research did not begin, however, until the 1920s. The first ins...
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    Global ethics and a common morality.Young Ahn Kang - 2006 - Philosophia Reformata 71 (1):79-85.
    ‘Globalization’ is on everybody's lips; a fad word fast turning into a shibboleth, a magic incantation, a pass-key meant to unlock the gates to all present and future mysteries. For some, ‘globalization' is what we bound to do if we wish to be happy; for others 'globalization' is the cause of our unhappiness. For everybody, though, 'globalization' is the intractable fate of the world, an irreversible process; it is also a process which affects us all in the same measure and (...)
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    (1 other version)La philosophie entre science et humanisme.Young Ahn Kang - 2010 - Diogène 229 (1/2):126.
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    Les premiers philosophes coréens.Young Ahn Kang & Nicole G. Albert - 2016 - Diogène 4:99-111.
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  8. The Place of Philosophy between Science and the Humanities.Young Ahn Kang - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (1-2):88-99.
  9.  30
    Neural Correlates of Workload Transition in Multitasking: An ACT-R Model of Hysteresis Effect.Na Young Kim, Russell House, Myung H. Yun & Chang S. Nam - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  10.  51
    The Construction of Military Prostitution in South Korea during the US Military Rule, 1945-1948.Na Young Lee - 2007 - Feminist Studies 33 (3):453-481.
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    Art Essay: Yun Suknam.Na Young Lee - 2006 - Feminist Studies 32 (2):352.
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    Multiple Encounters and Reconstructed Identities: Halmoni Activist-Survivors of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery as Postcolonial Subjects.Na-Young Lee - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):85-115.
    Abstract:This paper explores multiple encounters between activist-survivors of Japanese military sexual slavery (“comfort women” or halmonis, meaning “elderly women” or “grannies” in Korean) and solidarity activists. I mainly focus on the stories of two foundational figures in the ongoing justice campaign for the survivors, both of whom faced that forceful military act (between 1932 and 1945) as teenage girls in colonized Korea, although in dramatically different ways: Yun Chung-ok, a leading scholar and activist who, having managed to escape the fate (...)
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  13. Comparison of Decision Learning Models Using the Generalization Criterion Method.Woo-Young Ahn, Jerome R. Busemeyer, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers & Julie C. Stout - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (8):1376-1402.
    It is a hallmark of a good model to make accurate a priori predictions to new conditions (Busemeyer & Wang, 2000). This study compared 8 decision learning models with respect to their generalizability. Participants performed 2 tasks (the Iowa Gambling Task and the Soochow Gambling Task), and each model made a priori predictions by estimating the parameters for each participant from 1 task and using those same parameters to predict on the other task. Three methods were used to evaluate the (...)
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  14. Association of resting-state theta–gamma coupling with selective visual attention in children with tic disorders.Ji Seon Ahn, Kyungun Jhung, Jooyoung Oh, Jaeseok Heo, Jae-Jin Kim & Jin Young Park - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1017703.
    A tic disorder (TD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by tics, which are repetitive movements and/or vocalizations that occur due to aberrant sensory gating. Its pathophysiology involves dysfunction in multiple parts of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits. Spontaneous brain activity during the resting state can be used to evaluate the baseline brain state, and it is associated with various aspects of behavior and cognitive processes. Theta–gamma coupling (TGC) is an emerging technique for examining how neural networks process information through interactions. However, the (...)
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  15.  87
    The Outcome‐Representation Learning Model: A Novel Reinforcement Learning Model of the Iowa Gambling Task.Nathaniel Haines, Jasmin Vassileva & Woo-Young Ahn - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2534-2561.
    The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is widely used to study decision‐making within healthy and psychiatric populations. However, the complexity of the IGT makes it difficult to attribute variation in performance to specific cognitive processes. Several cognitive models have been proposed for the IGT in an effort to address this problem, but currently no single model shows optimal performance for both short‐ and long‐term prediction accuracy and parameter recovery. Here, we propose the Outcome‐Representation Learning (ORL) model, a novel model that provides (...)
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    Critique on the Idealism of Vijñãna and the External Realis : Matière et mémoire, Mūlamadhyamakakārikā, Viṃśatikāvijñaptimātratāsidhiśāstra.Ho-Young Ahn - 2018 - Cogito 84:109-146.
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  17.  7
    Transgression in Korea: beyond resistance and control.Juhn Young Ahn (ed.) - 2018 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Since the turn of the millennium South Korea has continued to grapplewith transgressions that shook the nation to its core. Following the serial killings of Korea's raincoat killer, the events that led to the dissolution of the United Progressive Party, the criminal negligence of the owner and also the crew members of the sunken Sewol Ferry, as well as the political scandals of 2016, there has been much public debate about morality, transparency, and the law in South Korea. Yet, despite (...)
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  18.  19
    The Indirect Effect of Emotion Regulation on Minority Stress and Problematic Substance Use in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals.Andrew H. Rogers, Ilana Seager, Nathaniel Haines, Hunter Hahn, Amelia Aldao & Woo-Young Ahn - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    ‘Screening audit’ as a quality assurance tool in good clinical practice compliant research environments.Sinyoung Park, Chung Mo Nam, Sejung Park, Yang Hee Noh, Cho Rong Ahn, Wan Sun Yu, Bo Kyung Kim, Seung Min Kim, Jin Seok Kim & Sun Young Rha - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):30.
    With the growing amount of clinical research, regulations and research ethics are becoming more stringent. This trend introduces a need for quality assurance measures for ensuring adherence to research ethics and human research protection beyond Institutional Review Board approval. Audits, one of the most effective tools for assessing quality assurance, are measures used to evaluate Good Clinical Practice and protocol compliance in clinical research. However, they are laborious, time consuming, and require expertise. Therefore, we developed a simple auditing process and (...)
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  20.  17
    Human Resource Practices for Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence From Korean Firms.Se-Rin Bang, Myeong-Cheol Choi & Ji-Young Ahn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human resource management in managing environmental, social, governance, or corporate social responsibility initiatives has been recently raised. Yet, little attention has been paid to integrating CSR and HRM. Our primary goal was to identify how and whether certain HR practices are critical for developing employee capability to operate in firms with active CSR initiatives. We first examine the impact of external CSR activities on firm-level work outcomes. Moreover, we attempt to identify a choice of particular HR practices that could be (...)
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  21.  24
    Reliability, and Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Gaming Disorder Scales: A Meta-Analysis.Seowon Yoon, Yeji Yang, Eunbin Ro, Woo-Young Ahn, Jueun Kim, Suk-Ho Shin, Jeanyung Chey & Kee-Hong Choi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: An association between gaming disorder and the symptoms of common mental disorders is unraveled yet. In this preregistered study, we quantitatively synthesized reliability, convergent and discriminant validity of GD scales to examine association between GD and other constructs.Methods: Five representative GD instruments were chosen based on recommendations by the previous systematic review study to conduct correlation meta-analyses and reliability generalization. A systematic literature search was conducted through Pubmed, Proquest, Embase, and Google Scholar to identify studies that reported information on (...)
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  22.  59
    Feminist justice and the case of undocumented migrant women and children: a critical dialog with Benhabib, Nussbaum, Young, and O'Neill.Ilsup Ahn - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (2):199-215.
    In recent years, scholars and researchers have discovered a new trend in the migration of unauthorized people into the United States: while the total numbers of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the border have grown exponentially in the past few years, human rights violations against migrant women have also increased significantly. This unfortunate trend is not unrelated to the intensifying border militarization and the criminalization of all unauthorized migrants. This paper attempts to provide an ethical solution to the political conundrum of (...)
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  23.  85
    From Greece to Babylon:The political thought of Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686–1743).Doohwan Ahn - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (4):421-437.
    This paper explores the political thought of Andrew Michael Ramsay with particular reference to his highly acclaimed book called A New Cyropaedia, or the Travels of Cyrus (1727). Dedicated to Prince Charles Edward Stuart, the Young Pretender, to whom he was tutor, this work has been hitherto viewed as a Jacobite imitation of the Telemachus, Son of Ulysses(1699) of his eminent teacher archbishop Fénelon of Cambrai. By tracing the dual legacy of the first Persian Emperor Cyrus in Western thought, (...)
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  24.  23
    On the Logical Machinery of Post-Classical Dialectic: The Kitāb ʿAyn al-Naẓar of Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī.Walter Edward Young - 2022 - Methodos. Savoirs Et Textes 22.
    The post-classical genre of the “protocols for dialectical inquiry and disputation” has its more proximate origins in the famed Risāla of Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī. The greater part of his conceptions and methodology, however, consists in a streamlining and universalizing of the more strictly juristic dialectic of his teacher Burhān al-Dīn al-Nasafī ; and this in turn draws on the highly logicized dialectic of Rukn al-Dīn al-ʿAmīdī and his teacher Raḍī al-Dīn al-Nīsābūrī. At the heart of methods in this lineage, and (...)
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    Sur la machinerie logique de la dialectique postclassique : le Kitāb ʿAyn al-Naẓar de Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (m. 722/1322). [REVIEW]Walter Edward Young - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    The post-classical (or post-Avicennan, post-Rāzian) genre of the “protocols for dialectical inquiry and disputation” (ādāb al-baḥth wa-l-munāẓara) has its more proximate origins in the famed Risāla of Shams al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 722/1322). The greater part of his conceptions and methodology, however, consists in a streamlining and universalizing of the more strictly juristic dialectic (jadal / khilāf) of his teacher Burhān al-Dīn al-Nasafī (d. 687/1288); and this in turn draws on the highly logicized dialectic of Rukn al-Dīn al-ʿAmīdī (d. 615/1218) and (...)
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  26.  16
    Pós-F: para além do masculino e do feminino.Fernanda Young - 2018 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Leya.
    Em sua primeira obra de não ficção, Fernanda Young se insere no acalorado debate sobre o que significa ser homem e ser mulher hoje. Em textos autobiográficos, ela se revela como uma das tantas personagens femininas às quais deu voz, sempre independentes e a quem a inadequação é um sentimento intrínseco. E esse constante deslocamento faz com que Fernanda seja capaz de observar o feminino e o masculino em todas as suas potencialidades. É daí que surge o 'Pós-F', pós-feminismo (...)
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    Na busca da cura do corpo, a oração opera milagres: uma discussão sobre eficácia simbólica, perspectivismo, cura e religião (In the search for the healing of the body, prayer works miracles: a discussion on symbolic efficacy, perspectivism).Irene de Jesus Silva & Raymundo Heraldo Maués - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):965-990.
    Na busca da cura do corpo, a oração opera milagres: uma discussão sobre eficácia simbólica, perspectivismo, cura e religião (In the search for the healing of the body, prayer works miracles: a discussion on symbolic efficacy, perspectivism) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p965 O artigo busca descrever, compreender e interpretar o caso observado de uma jovem portadora de teratoma ovariano maligno, internada em hospital do câncer na cidade de Belém, estado do Pará. A jovem foi desenganada diante do diagnóstico da doença, mas sua (...)
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    Filozofia na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim.Stanisław Janeczek - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1):18-20.
    Philosophy at KUL seems to be omnipresent, for - similarly as at the medieval university - it fulfilled and still fulfils the propaedeutic functions. Students from all the faculties must gain philosophical culture much more thoroughly than at other Polish universities. Thereby we refer to the ancient ideal of philosophy as an alma mater of all other scientific disciplines, and express the fact that the university cares that the students of all the departments could better perceive the specific character of (...)
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    Czy Lechoń w "Duchu na seansie" kompromitował poezję romantyczną i mitologię narodową?Krystyna Ratajska - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 2:29-40.
    In the article, composed of two parts with the titles Spektakl modernistyczny czy seans spirytystyczny? (A modernist spectacle or a spiritistic seance?) and Dlaczego Słowacki niszczy konterfekt księcia Józefa? (Why does Słowacki destroy the portrait of Prince Józef?), presents a contextual interpretation of Jan Lechoń’s poem Duch na seansie (A Ghost at a Seance). The author questions the opinion, which was widespread in literary criticism, that Lechoń together with other members of the Skamander group discredited Romantic poetry and national mythology (...)
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  30. A sociedade excludente: Exclusão social, criminalidade E diferença na modernidade recente.Karine Cordazzo & Gustavo Preussler - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):112-124.
    Jock Young, em “A sociedade excludente: Exclusão social, criminalidade e diferença na modernidade recente” nos convida a examinar as circunstâncias que contribuíram para a transição da modernidade para a modernidade recente, ou seja, a transição que ocorreu no Primeiro Mundo entre os “anos dourados” do pós-guerra e o período de crise a partir do final dos anos 1960. Ao longo do livro, Young busca evidenciar as mudanças dramáticas que ocorreram nos níveis de criminalidade, na natureza do desvio e (...)
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    Metáfora, metonímia e método na transição analógica da representação à vontade: o conhecimento da coisa em si na metafísica de Schopenhauer.Matheus Silva Freitas - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):362-376.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo geral comentar o estatuto do conhecimento da coisa em si na metafísica de Schopenhauer. De modo mais específico, visa analisar como se inserem neste debate, tradicionalmente enfrentado por estudiosos da filosofia schopenhaueriana como Julian Young, Paul Lauxtermann e David Cartwright, duas correntes interpretativas bastante discutidas neste ciclo, principalmente na última década; ambas lidam com o problema da coisa em si a partir de uma interpretação da transição analógica que Schopenhauer empreende do mundo da representação (...)
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  32.  22
    Natureza, vida e finalismo nas notas sobre a teleologia e sobre a origem da linguagem de Nietzsche.William Mattioli - 2020 - Cadernos Nietzsche 41 (3):126-165.
    Resumo: Este artigo corresponde à segunda de duas partes que perfazem um estudo sobre a questão da teleologia nos apontamentos do jovem Nietzsche entre 1867 e 1869. No seu todo, o trabalho pretende oferecer uma leitura de três conjuntos de notas escritos pelo filósofo nesse período: Zu Schopenhauer, Zur Teleologie e Vom Ursprung der Sprache, com um claro enfoque nas notas sobre a teleologia, de 1868. Meu objetivo é tentar mostrar que, apesar das diversas críticas de Nietzsche à teleologia e (...)
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    Nasionale dienspligveterane se soeke na afsluiting : ’n Pastorale sorg uitdaging.Roelf Schoeman & Yolanda Dreyer - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    National conscripts and their quest for closure:A Pastoral challenge. During the apartheid era, young white men were conscripted for military service in the South African Defence Force. After the demise of apartheid, these military veterans became part of the transformation process in the country. They were often not prepared for the emotional and psychological impact of the political, economic and social changes. Many of them found and still find it difficult to take their place among the citizenry of the (...)
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    A digressão sobre o conhecimento na Carta Sétima platônica.Henrique Guimarães - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):345-374.
    Na digressão da Carta Sétima (341c-d – 344d-e) Platão faz uma descrição do caminho filosófico e do limite dos discursos, sejam escritos ou falados, para se alcançar e comunicar o conhecimento dos seres e da virtude. A digressão critica a produção, por parte de Dionísio, jovem tirano de Siracusa, de um tratado sobre a filosofia platônica, visando suas ‘doutrinas’, como se já soubesse tudo sobre os princípios supremos da realidade. Nesse artigo pretendo ler a digressão acerca do conhecimento filosófico e (...)
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    Programy na rzecz równowagi życia zawodowego i rodzinnego.Karolina Dąbrowska - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (2):41-53.
    The article is devoted to the problem of work-life balance. Nowadays more and more benefits is being perceived that stem from implementation of the industrial culture based on balance between work and life. On the other hand there are various limitations which in some cases hinder. One of such barriers lays in the process of communication. Moreover, the article discuss the process of gaining competitive advantage on the ground of the idea of work-family balance. The idea seems to be positive (...)
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  36.  12
    Estilo e formação na filosofia do jovem Nietzsche: o caso Schopenhauer.Alexander Gonçalves - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (3):165-193.
    The scope of this investigation is to find out to what extent the style (Stil), for the young Nietzsche, consists of a means through which the philosopher accomplishes the supreme task of philosophy: the formation (Bildung). I start from the statement that the stylistic problem composes one of the main elements of the evaluation that the young philosopher makes of the German formation and culture (Kultur) of his time to, finally, present how Nietzsche finds in the extemporaneous character (...)
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  37.  14
    Entrevista: não podemos pensar na experiência negra no Brasil sem considerar suas relações históricas e contempor'neas com a Africa.Luca Bussotti - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):21-30.
    Resumo: Mergulhado numa profunda crise de valores, com uma classe política altamente corrupta e incapaz de oferecer perspetivas credíveis para o seu futuro, Moçambique viu os filósofos Ngoenha e Castiano abrir um debate inovador, mediante a proposta de um Manifesto ético-político. O Manifesto preconiza uma “terceira via” alternativa à primeira, assim como à segunda, de forma a re-fundar o sentido de uma identidade coletiva nacional abalada pela perda de um projeto comum à jovem nação moçambicana. O artigo aqui apresentado procura, (...)
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    Historia filozofii na Litwie.Romanas Plečkaitis - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1):166-166.
    The academic History of Philosophy in Lithuania in three volumes will be published by the Institute of Culture, Philosophy and Art. The first presented volume covers the development of Lithuanian philosophy from the 16th to the 18th centuries. It includes late medieval and Renaissance philosophy, the second scholasticism and modern philosophy. The first Lithuanians to be introduced to philosophy were young members of the gentry who studied in European universities at the end of the 14th century. The recently baptized (...)
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  39.  20
    Heidegger E Paulo: A modalidade de Vida autêntica ( wie ) E a temporalidade escatológica na apropriação fenomenológica da proclamação da παρoυσíα.Bento Silva Santos - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):581-607.
    RESUMO O artigo trata da apropriação fenomenológica das epístolas aos Tessalonicenses levada a termo por Martin Heidegger em sua prelação do semestre de inverno de 1920-1921 intitulada “Introdução à Fenomenologia da Religião”, quando era assistente de Edmund Husserl na Universidade de Freiburg. A preleção foi publicada pela primeira vez no quadro da Edição Integral das obras de Heidegger em 1995. No artigo considerarei especialmente a noção de temporalidade escatológica a partir da análise do fenômeno cristão da παρoυσíα fora do contexto (...)
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    A especificidade e a transversalidade do Ensino de Filosofia na educação Básica brasileira: desafios frente ao cenário contempor'neo e à BNCC.Adriana Mattar Maamari - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-22.
    Resumo: O Ensino de Filosofia no Brasil atravessou um longo período de interdição na Educação Básica brasileira para, a partir da LDB de 1996 e dos PCN-EM 1999, ressurgir como necessidade de presença difusa na escola, em abordagem temática e transdisciplinar. Uma década adiante, a Filosofia alcança uma presença ainda mais importante, constituindo-se como disciplina obrigatória do currículo escolar da educação básica a partir de 2008. Em um contexto mais recente, com a BNCC a partir de 2015, a Filosofia segue (...)
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    Ensino de Filosofia e Formação de Opinião na Era Técnica.Edgar Lyra - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-20.
    Resumo: Faço aqui um balanço das minhas pesquisas sobre ensino de filosofia. O envolvimento recua às minhas primeiras experiências docentes, quando se fez claro que o conhecimento da tradição filosófica não bastava. Mas apenas em 2009, quando assumi disciplinas de formação de professores na PUC-Rio, é que a pesquisa se formalizou. Eram outros os tempos: a filosofia e a sociologia tornavam-se obrigatórias no ensino médio e a comunidade filosófica brasileira intensificava sua atenção ao campo. Integrei em 2015 a equipe que (...)
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    A Igreja do Brasil na preparação do Vaticano II (The participation of the Church from Brazil in the preparation of Vatican II) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n24p986. [REVIEW]Luiz Carlos Luz Marques & José Oscar Beozzo - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (24):986-1009.
    Levando–se em conta os leitores do século XXI, ao debruçar-se sobre a participação da Igreja católica brasileira na preparação do Concílio Vaticano II, o presente estudo parte de três perguntas: a) o quê interessa saber sobre a participação brasileira? b) É este um tema relevante? c) Alguns brasileiros participação significativamente na fase preparatória? Para responder apropriadamente a essas questões os autores propõem um conceito diferente de “participação” na preparação do Vaticano II por parte do episcopado brasileiro. O artigo não foca (...)
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    Forgiveness, Moral Disengagement, and Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Young Social Activists in Hong Kong.Lai Chu Annis & Fung - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1049-1063.
    Social movements may bring positive social changes. However, escalated levels of violence and delinquency in some campaigns caused public concerns about infringing personal rights and destroying public property. In modern societies, we encourage mutual respect, peace, and appropriate conflict resolutions and avoid the use of aggression across situations. This cross-sectional study examined forgiveness, moral disengagement, and reactive and proactive aggression among different types of young social activists in Hong Kong. Findings would provide insights into intervention strategies for reducing aggressive (...)
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    A hermenêutica da facticidade no jovem Heidegger/ The Hermeneutics of Facticity in the Young Heidegger.Alexandre Rubenich - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (2).
    Na preleção de verão de 1923, intitulada “Ontologia: hermenêutica da facticidade”, Martin Heidegger estabelece seu programa filosófico em termos de uma investigação fundamental, nomeada por ele como hermenêutica fenomenológica da facticidade. De acordo com esta, a interpretação da vida fática não se realiza sem que se tome o ser e o falar como fenômenos privilegiados, ou seja, sem que se recupere o vínculo essencial em que nós, seres humanos existentes, já nos descobrimos sendo no mundo como seres capazes de fala. (...)
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    A educação do ethos na Antígona de Sófocles.Luis Fernando Biasoli - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):433-443.
    Sophocles' Antigone, written around 441-440 B.C. is the most studied and interpreted tragedy in the history of classical theater. There are diverse interpretive angles and analysis that at 2500 BCE challenge exegetes and scholars from the various fields of human knowledge. The way the play is, interpretatively, received varies according to the interests of the time in which it is studied and staged. The objective of this work, by means of a hermeneutic-dialectic analysis of literature review, is to present possible (...)
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    O jovem Barth como leitor de Dostoievski (The young Barth as a reader of Dostoievsky) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n29p196. [REVIEW]Jimmy Sudário Cabral - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (29):196-212.
    O artigo quer avaliar a presença das intuições religiosas de Dostoievski na escritura teológica do jovem Barth. Procuramos demonstrar os elementos fundamentais de sua trajetória teológica e, sobretudo, seu contato com Eduard Thurnysen, autor de uma obra sobre Dostoiévski, que exerceu uma influência determinante no horizonte hermenêutico que deu forma à postura teológica do Barth de Römerbrief, obra que instaurou uma negatividade desconstrutora de toda euforia religiosa do humanismo moderno. Partimos do pressuposto que Dostoievski determinou a intelligentsia religiosa do cristianismo (...)
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  47. Mais que um bonde, uma família: grupos de risco, EJA e identidades juvenis // More than a “bonde”, a family: risk groups, EJA and young people's identities.Nilda Stecanela & Barros - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (2):120-146.
    Este texto apresenta resultados de pesquisa sobre grupos de risco, educação de jovens e adultos (EJA) e identidades juvenis. Objetiva produzir uma narrativa sobre a possível relação entre a inclusão precária, a violência e a pressão do cotidiano com a participação de jovens da EJA em grupos juvenis denominados bondes. O substrato empírico compõe-se de registros etnográficos do cotidiano juvenil em ambiente escolar e, de modo especial, considera as narrativas de quatro jovens matriculados na modalidade EJA de uma escola da (...)
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    Continuidade e Mudança - A din'mica de uma instituição religiosa: a Igreja Católica na América Latina – Uma resenha.Maria José Fontelas Rosado-Nunes - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (49):417-422.
    ANDES, Stephen J.C.; YOUNG, Julia. Local Church, Global Church: Catholic Activism in Latin America from Rerum Novarum to Vatican II. Washington, DC, The Catholic University of America Press, 201 O livro em questão insere-se em uma perspectiva analítica, tentando mostrar o jogo de adaptação e de continuidade ao trabalho no continente americano. Apesar do reconhecimento das mudanças notáveis introduzidas pelo Vaticano II, a tese é que, ao contrário do que é sugerido por uma certa literatura de historiografia e teologia (...)
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    Prekariat – nowe zjawisko na rynku pracy w Polsce.Katarzyna Cymbranowicz - 2016 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 19 (2):17-30.
    Studies of the scale of unemployment in Poland and in Europe conducted in recent years lead to the conclusion that one of the largest and growing problems of the modern labour market is the unemployment rate among young people. An unfavourable phenomenon related to the problem that is increasingly appearing in public debate is the rising unemployment of graduates. Therefore, it is important to attempt to identify the phenomena in today's job market and one of them is the formation (...)
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  50. O direito humano à educação de pessoas jovens e adultas presas // The human right to education of imprisoned young and adult persons.Mariangela Graciano & Haddad - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (Espec):39-66.
    O presente artigo discute a educação de pessoas jovens e adultas privadas de liberdade como um direito humano. Analisa as principais normas nacional e internacionais que fundamentam esse direito e discute o modo precário como ele vem sendo implantado no Brasil, tomando por base empírica a pesquisa realizada pela organização nãogovernamental Ação Educativa e parceiros em quatro penitenciárias e quatro centros de detenção provisória do Estado de São Paulo. As informações levantadas entre os meses de outubro e novembro de 2012 (...)
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